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Achieving Goals

Aerial Photo of a City

IDNYC Program Launch

Managed launch of IDNYC, a municipal ID card available to all New Yorkers, regardless of immigration status. At program’s peak, managed a staff of over 375, a $24 million budget, and a network of 32 enrollment locations city wide. Over 1 million New Yorkers enrolled to date.


Street Taxis

TLC Driver Resource Center Launch

Oversaw the launch of the TLC Driver Resource Center, offering free financial counseling, legal services and other resources for taxi & FHV drivers.  Coordinated staffing, partnerships for services, technology implementation, and space setup.


Job Interview

Workforce1 Jobseeker Portal

Oversaw the launch of NYC Workforce1's online jobseeker portal, matching jobseekers to jobs, from requirements development and screen mockups through implementation and rollout.  Project managed launch of additional functionality for workshop scheduling.


Bicycle Repair Shop

NYC Business Solutions Service Strategy

Facilitated strategic rethinking of service strategy for NYC Business Solutions, putting forward a unified set of services across all agency programs and putting in place a unified CRM system to track all business services provided by the agency.


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